Trinity College London
4 week intensive teacher training course
The Trinity Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, level 5 on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) is accepted by the British Council as an initial TESOL or TEFL qualification for teachers in its accredited teaching organisations in the UK and in its own teaching operations overseas.
We have successfully run the Trinity CertTESOL since 1994 and have welcomed over 750 trainees aged 18 to over 70 from a wide variety of backgrounds. The majority of the teachers at the school have done the course with us including the Course Director, the Director of Studies and some of the tutors so we understand how intensive the course is. The team will support and encourage all our trainees to reach their full potential.
You will have the opportunity to observe a real classroom during your first week with us as well as 4 hours of demonstration lessons. All your teaching practice (a minimum of 6 hours) is conducted on the school premises with international students.
The course provides trainees with an insight into teaching English in a variety of contexts and the necessary skills and knowledge to go in to a classroom and begin their own career.
For many trainees it is often their second or third career.
Entry requirements:
- 18 years old at the start of the course
- A- levels or equivalent qualifications for entry to higher education (tertiary)
- For the mature trainee, workplace achievements may indicate your suitability for the course
- High level of competence in English appropriate to a teacher and model of English language skills
Non-native speakers of English are welcome to apply for training places; all applicants will be assessed equally at interview.
Accommodation, if required, can be provided by one of the school's host families who offer single room half board accommodation. Alternatively, there are plenty of hotels and guest houses in the town.
For an information pack which provides further details of the different course components, the interview process and an application form please contact the school by telephone 01395 516754 or email
General Information
Sidmouth International School is committed to the safety and well-being of our students and we aim to provide an environment where young people and children feel comfortable and safe.
Sidmouth International School is proud to be accredited by the British Council to teach English in the UK
May Cottage
EX10 8EN
Tel: +44 (0) 1395 516754